Greyhound bus stop: Dallas Market Center in Dallas, TX
Location and direction details to bus station
Dallas Market Center
4500 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75219
Dallas, TX 75219
Bus will board in the rear parking lot of the Holiday Inn Dallas Market Center. To purchase overnight parking, call the Holiday Inn at +1 (214) 219-3333. Holiday Inn staff can only assist with onsite parking. DO NOT wait for the bus in the lobby. All passengers must wait in the parking lot.
Bus will board on Lucas Dr at the curbside adjacent to the southeast corner of the Holiday Inn parking lot, beneath the freeway underpass. DO NOT wait for the bus in the hotel lobby and no passenger parking is allowed in the hotel parking lot.
(800) 231-2222
Frequently asked questions
Where is the closest Greyhound bus station?
Is this Greyhound bus stop open today?
How far to Greyhound bus station?
Where can I check the number of the Greyhound bus station?
How can I get to Dallas Market Center and how far is it from me?
Can I buy bus tickets at Dallas Market Center?
- On this website
- On the free Greyhound app
- At authorized resellers
Are there any other Greyhound bus stations in Dallas?
When do I have to go to Dallas Market Center to catch the bus?
Onboard services are subject to availability