Greyhound bus stop: Eugene (University of Oregon - Hayward Field) in Eugene, OR
Location and direction details to bus station
Eugene (University of Oregon - Hayward Field)
1515 Agate St
Eugene, OR 97402
Eugene, OR 97402
Bus will board on the east side of Agate Street (northbound) in the loading zone in front of the University of Oregon Law School. Stop is marked by a FlixBus sign.
STOP LOCATION CHANGE: Effective from 6:00 PM on 6/17 until 1:00 AM on July 4th, the stop will move to the curb at 1615 E 13th Ave, in front of the Jaqua Academic Center. Bus will board at the parking spaces on the northern curb of E 13th Ave in front of the bench and bike racks.
(800) 231-2222
Onboard services are subject to availability