Greyhound bus stop: Milwaukee Mitchell Airport in Milwaukee, WI
Location and direction details to bus station
Milwaukee Mitchell Airport
Arrivals / Baggage Claim
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Milwaukee, WI 53207
From the terminals, exit from Baggage Claim to the center island. The bus will stop under the glass canopy before the first stop sign.
FROM 2:00 AM to 9:00 AM, July 5-9 ONLY: Bus will stop in the hashed area north of the MKE shuttles by arrivals door 5. Other times of the day, bus will stop at normal location.
(800) 231-2222
Frequently asked questions
Where is the closest Greyhound bus station?
Is this Greyhound bus stop open today?
How far to Greyhound bus station?
Where can I check the number of the Greyhound bus station?
How can I get to Milwaukee Mitchell Airport and how far is it from me?
Can I buy bus tickets at Milwaukee Mitchell Airport?
- On this website
- On the free Greyhound app
- At authorized resellers
Are there any other Greyhound bus stations in Milwaukee?
When do I have to go to Milwaukee Mitchell Airport to catch the bus?
Onboard services are subject to availability